Our Vision
West Dayton has disproportionately suffered following the decline of the manufacturing industry, deunionization, white flight, and suburbanization. Our goal is to inject a combination of public/private resources into targeted West Dayton neighborhoods to stimulate further investment. We are keenly aware how displacement can be a byproduct of “revitalization” and are determined to provide affordable housing, job creation, and healthier communities for the current residents of disinvested neighborhoods. Below is a link to the City of Dayton’s vision for West Dayton. Although we agree with many of the findings of this analysis, our organization is left with many questions about how varying generations of West Dayton residents will benefit from some of the right-sizing and investment strategies that are targeted primarily on the periphery of Downtown Dayton.
Our Goals
- Partner with the City of Dayton and other organizations to develop walkable neighborhoods with access to fresh food in West Dayton
- Improve the quality of the parks in West Dayton
- Develop a wellness facility for West Dayton residents
- Preserve, rehabilitate, renovate or construct affordable housing developments for low- and moderate-income families, individuals, seniors, veterans, and special-needs populations
- Provide transitional housing as a direct stepping stone to permanent housing
- A focus on Veterans housing and homeownership
- Construction of green homes for low- and moderate-income communities
- Energy retrofit programs for low- and moderate-income housing developments
- Strengthen, unify, and build the economic, cultural, educational, and social services of urban communities and neighborhoods.
- Address the homeless crisis occurring in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio